Do you know that you could make paint with condensed milk and food coloring?
In Dean Ng's words, good enough to make paint but not good enough for your body.
"I want to give Uncle my painting," one of them shyly muttered under her breath.
I nodded, there was only one male volunteer amongst us yesterday.
"If you want to do that, then write his name so he knows it's specially for him"
This girl is often lost in her own inner world ignoring instructions and other adults around her.
It was uplifting to see her purposefully create a gift for Leow Chiap Seng and running after him to pass him the painting when he was about to leave.
Our volunteers came down early on the last day of the year to spend time with the kids who may hit, scratch, scream, cry and kick when they dysregulate.
Because of the volunteers' healing presence, love and commitment, they were all in sync, fully engaged and having fun in their respective activities.
The whole space was full of life and light: Gen in deep conversations with the emo teenagers, Brenda Ng having fun with the defiant tweens, Wee Swee Yin Janet and Kaira with the wandering toddlers as well as Dean, CS and Meiyu with the impish kids 😂
So here's us and the kids thanking everyone for 2024 and wishing ALL our The Facilitators' Project volunteers and supporters a happy new year filled with peaceful abundance, overflowing love and deep fulfilment 🙏🏽
