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Nothing is impossible

The Facilitators' Project

"Do you know what this green part is?"

A girl volunteered a conversation as she painted beside me a few days ago.

"What is it?"

"It's green grass!"

"Oh you like plants? If you do, I grow many plants, you know."

"Do you grow bananas?"

I looked at her and smiled sheepishly.

"Yes, I have a real banana "tree" (yes, and a few fake ones) at home for many many years but have no fruit yet."

So this morning, I stepped out and lo and behold, this got me going bananas!!

So who says you can't grow them on 12th floor HDB.. Been so busy that both Dean Ng and I didn't notice them growing so steadily.

This is how I feel now: 🌻🌻😁😁😆😆🥰🥰🤭🤭🥳🥳

Gardening has reminded me the importance of shutting out the critics, focusing on what's important and unlearn what is impossible.

As much as we love plants though, I think we still do better with people.

Supporting them to thrive as they create good environments and nourish themselves well in multiple dimensions.

Anyone seeking to create the impossible or wanna thrive better in their lives? Let me know :)

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