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Wrapping up the year with Wellness Team

The Facilitators' Project

Much has changed over the years.

When we first started more than a decade ago, Dean was considered a radical.

The term health coach was relatively unheard of in Singapore. She was advocating for healthy rations for the underprivileged and even better nutrition in nursing homes. She spoke to many decision-makers and people in power. Then no one cared about nutrition and many deemed her extreme.

Dean remained steadfast in championing her message.

Today, if you are of a high socio-economic status, highly educated and a high achiever, odds are high that you understand the importance of nutrition, well-practiced in the art of self-care and make good decisions (if you don't, reach out to Dean ;p).

However, it is unfortunate that these are still often overlooked amongst the underserved.

Health and wellness has always been a cornerstone of our advocacy as The Affirmative People.

We are so grateful to come across allies that believe in the the same.

They serve alongside us in The Facilitators' Project. Every month, the underserved will learn self-care and gut health, increase their self-awareness, calm their nervous systems and heal in their own unique pace and ways.

Our Wellness Team came together during the last week of December to serve this common purpose: Dean with her Play-Full Resilience and Nutrition, Rowena Choo and David Thoo with their Real.Ease Spinal Flow, Kaira with Therapeutic Horticulture and Brenda Ng on Inner Assets. Thank you again to many others like Chia Peng Chwan, Jeanette, Mary Kwok and Chelsea Khoo Hui Ming who supported us on this journey too.

I'm sure that all of us will come across many more opportunities to give this 2025.

We hope that in your giving, you will also be an advocate of health and well-being for the underserved. In whichever organizations and communities you serve, pause and ask if what is served is supporting their long term multi-dimensional health. Coz ~

"Health is the ultimate expression of love" - Dean Ng

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